Client Services

What We Provide?

New Mark Technical Centre is playing a good role at the world of welding industry by providing world standard welders but we are not stopped by there. More than providing world class welders we also have the ability to conduct trade test for the companies who want to hire welders, fitters by providing our area to check the abilities of the candidates.

Apart from that as per the need of engineering and technical colleges or universities our well experienced faculties will provide lectures and practical demos to the students to get more knowledge about welding.

Third Party Inspection

In accordance with the needs of the customer and their jobs, New Mark Technical Centre will offer third-party inspections along with the certified welding inspectors and the following facilities.

1. Interview hall
2. Candidates Holding Area
3. Training & Testing Room 
4. Computers, Internet access and all other stationaries  
5. Personal interview room
6. Dining Area 
7. Parking area
8. Separate Toilets for both clients and candidates

Any other Facilities required by the clients can be arranged accordingly.

Guest lectures and Demo classes for Colleges and Universities

New Mark Technical Centre provides customized theory lectures and demonstration classes for colleges and universities, tailored to their specific requirements. If an institution does not have the necessary facilities for such training, they can send their students and faculty to our center. We will conduct engaging demonstrations and lectures using our advanced facilities, delivering a rich educational experience.


New Mark Technical Centre can conduct interviews with up to 150 candidates daily for welding and piping fabrication roles. We have successfully hosted interviews for numerous companies across various countries and industries. Additionally, we offer support for local interviews, where clients can either provide materials or we can supply them as needed.

To facilitate the interview process, we have a spacious welding testing area that accommodates up tofifteen welders at once, along with a waiting area for 150 candidates. Our facilities also include three dedicated welding rooms and separate restrooms for both clients and candidates.

Upgrading Employee's

At New Mark Technical Centre, we provide specialized training for newly hired employees or current professionals chosen by their companies for specific roles. This training is customized to align with the job requirements identified by the company. Our trainers will conduct thorough research on the role and its demands beforehand to ensure the training is effective. Ultimately, the candidates will take a merit test to demonstrate their skills to the companies.

WPS & WPQR Preparing

New Mark Technical Centre will provide WPS and WPQR in accordance with the specifications of the job that the client consented to. For that work, all NDT tests will be performed on specimens made in our workshop, and certificates will be given.

Assessment Test For Candidates

The assessment test for the candidates who have been selected for a specified job by the client will be conducted in NMTC. This trade test includes all categories that apply to welding, pipe fitting, gas cutting and brazing welding. After conducting all these tests, NMTC will provide the certificate that displays the candidate’s working capability. This will help the client to know about the capacity of the candidates.

Train with Experts for Global Standards in Client Services

Join New Mark Technical Centre to gain hands-on training from industry leaders and earn your certification in high-demand sectors. Apply now.